Sunday 13 March 2011

Getting closer to moving date

Everytime I look at the house more and more boxes seem to be appearing and there seems to be less and less furniture. Poppy says this means it is very nearly moving day. I am quite pleased about this as I believe some of my toys may have been put in a box and I would really like them back. But apparently once they go in to a box they don't come out until they go to the new house so I will be pleased when it's over and done with. I think I heard mum and dad say something about Friday and I think Friday isn't far away so that makes me happy.
I have had a fairly happy week because Poppy has been coming to work with me everyday. I don't like to admit it but I actually really miss her when she isn't around. We have to stay in an outdoor kennel because we are a little loud in the office and I do guard it sometimes still. But mum leaves us kongs stuffed with yummy food, and rawhide bones, and she takes us for runs in the field at break and lunch times so we are both very happy dogs.
Mum says I must go now as my tea is nearly ready. Yummy, I hope it's chicken.
Big cuddles
Fly xxx


  1. I hope your move goes smoothly and all your toys appear soon!

  2. Hope all of the moving goes well!
