Monday 21 February 2011

First day at school

Sorry I haven't been able to write much, my sister has been poorly because she had an operation, and mum has been looking after her. As I am only little I still need mums help to write and she just hasn't had the time to help me. I've been left to fend for myself. Mum says that makes it sound a little harsh, she is quick to point out that I have had a lot of good walks, and that fending for myself has mostly consisted of me hanging around at mums ankles, before running off to eat her shoes. That did not put me in her good books. I ate her trainers and she had to buy new ones.Whoops!
Poppy looks silly with her cone
I had my first day at school on Saturday. I really enjoyed it. I am in a group with three other doggies and they are all older than me, so anything that I manage to do makes me look really good. I was very good at focus work and hand touches, and I concentrated very well for the whole lesson. I ran over poles on the ground really well too.The other dogs were jumping but because I'm a pup and my bones aren't fully grown yet I can't jump in case I injure myself. I did struggle with a couple of things though, I was too scared to get on the dog walk, I didn't understand that I was supposed to stand on a stool for treats and I don't know how to play with mum yet. I can play with toys by myself, in fact I do a very good job of throwing the toy up in the air with my paws and catching it in my mouth. But when I play with mum as soon as she tugs the toy I let go because I think she is telling me off. She says we will have to work on this a lot. All in all I think I did a very good job. Mum said she was just very pleased that I didn't spend the whole lesson on my back with my legs in the air!
Mum has to go and look after Poppy now so I must finish writing. I am sure I will write more in the week as mum says I will be having lots of adventures. Apparently I will be learning recall. I have no idea what that is but I bet it will be good.
Big cuddles

Fly xxx

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